Top 10 books about recovery Books

She turned to alcohol and drugs in an attempt to self-medicate and treat her emotional pain. She also poignantly expresses the feeling of emptiness and longing that so many addicts seek to fill through the consumption of their drug of choice. Prozac Nation is an important piece of work, notable for its distinctive youthful voice and confessional nature.

best alcohol recovery books

Running with Scissors is true-life memoir that recounts Burroughs’ troubled childhood. His mother suffered from mental illness and addiction, creating a situation in which Burroughs was raised in a tumultuous and unpredictable manner. This book is unique in the fact that it chronicles his childhood trauma, as well as how it directly related to his first forays into drug and alcohol use. Although his childhood experience was remarkably different from the norm, it still illustrates the vulnerability that emotional abuse creates in relation to the formation of addiction. Anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure or genuine passion, is a real problem for people who quit drinking. Reinventing yourself as a student of human nature is one of the finest ways to rekindle your interest in the world around you.

“Living Sober” by Anonymous

She does not recover in any straightforward way from worry, obsession, or attempts to control her brother or – obviously – the narrative, but she makes her way towards a kind of serenity. I first read this book in high school, and revisited it after I quit drinking. I found that the addition of life experience, especially my struggle with booze, imbued this book with renewed significance. This is a great read for building your self-esteem back up from the ashes of addiction. The doctors who wrote this book present a compelling case for utilizing the power of the mind in treating brain disorders.

  • In “The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking”, Carr offers a step-by-step program designed specifically for women.
  • This book (and its female audience counterpart, Thinner, Leaner, Stronger) can help you avoid the layers of marketing BS that plague fitness magazines and start a fitness regimen that actually works.
  • Her masterpiece provided me with a wealth of new information and a blueprint for further supplementation.
  • Frey recounts his journey through rehab, as both an alcoholic and a crack cocaine addict.

The majority of “experts” will tell you that you can never drink again if you’re an “alcoholic.” But in fact, there are people who have transcended addiction and proceeded to drink minimally. The premise of this book is that every living creature has evolved to seek mind-alteration from the natural world around us. To deny the fact that we do so is to deny an essential part of our nature, not simply as human beings, but as evolutionary creatures with fundamental needs.

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It’s about empowering you with the tools and strategies to quit alcohol and embrace a healthier life. When it comes to quitting alcohol, the journey can often feel anything but easy. He offers a unique perspective on the pressures and challenges of professional sports and their impact on mental health and addiction.

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